Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hooray for $8/gal

Americans should be celebrating rather than shuddering over the arrival of $4-a-gallon gasoline. We lived on cheap gas too long, failed to innovate and now face the consequences of competing for a finite resource amid fast-expanding global demand.
Maybe expensive gas isn't so bad if it is the impetus that weans us off our dependence on oil and breaks up our infatuation with the Middle East. Chris Pummer gives an optimistic spin to rising gas prices...

1 comment:

Phillip said...

#8, easing global tensions, which is based largely on the assumption that we will have developed energy alternatives, which in my mind is no easy assumption to make. To my knowledge, the amount of energy we consume through oil is not replaceable by any known source. Our lifestyles will have to change no matter what, and because nobody will want to, conflict is likely.