Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sarah Palin and Big Oil

Alaska has seen a recent reemergence in Big Oil at great cost to the Alaskan wilderness the last two years. Apparently, Sarah Palin wanted nothing to hinder Big Oil and allowed them to do as they please to the environment without consequence. Leonard Doyle reports in a column from Anchorage that Palin has a lot of explaining to do when it comes to her record of "standing up to the oil companies."
The Palin administration has allowed Chevron to triple the amount of toxic waste that it pours into the waters of Cook Inlet. This, even though the number of beluga whales in the bay has collapsed from 1,300 to 350 - the point of extinction - because of pollution and increased ship traffic..

Many oil companies abandoned Alaska when prices fell in the 1980s but they have been rushing back to drill and prospect areas that are among the least hospitable on earth. That spirit of the Klondike is already in full swing in Prudhoe Bay the epicentre of oil production and one of the world's largest industrial complexes. It's so big that BP, UPS and FedEx operate a special fleet of jets from Anchorage just to service to the region.

The Irregular Times has also been covering Sarah Palin's special connection to Chevron...
It turns out that the amount of toxic waste that Sarah Palin agreed to allow oil company Chevron to dump into Cook Inlet is in the billions of gallons. Billions.
Sarah Palin has denied that global warming is man-made. This is unbelievable... even the Bush administration doesn't deny the reality of global warming anymore! Palin must still get her global warming news from Fox News and if McCain-Palin gets elected, we will be taking a huge step backwards. We can't afford another 4 crucial years of ignoring and white-washing the climate change warnings from scientists at NASA and the National Academy of Science.

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