Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Crazy UNC Rampage

You guys probably already heard about the incident at UNC on Friday at the Pit. But how do you label it?



Dan said...

I think the guy just lost his mind.

Phillip said...

DTH article

Apparently the suspect has been sending letters from jail explaining his actions.

On one hand like Tim, though maybe not quite to the same extent, I do somewhat sympathize where he is coming from, that American and European treatment/disrespect of Muslims warrants some sort of retribution.

On the other hand, Americans and Europeans are people too. And to take revenge on those 9 people is without question wrong.

What is beginning to scare me these days is religious zealots, of all kinds. Muslim extremists are a good example - from what I know all the kidnapping and killing goes very much against doctrinal Islam and Mohammed's teachings, but I'm sure these extremist groups find a way to justify it logically, and then go with it. And what's more, these people are passionate about it to the point of death and beyond. I suppose Islam unfortunately has the whole reward-for-martyrdom thing that keeps it going. You never hear of Christian or Hindu suicide bombers.

Zealous Christians can be just as scary though, the fact that they take something so passionately and believe so fervently that they really are carrying out the will of God Almighty.

That's what's really scary - when someone believes they have the authorization of God himself, but they are wrong.