Friday, September 12, 2008

The faster they rise...

Palin has re-invigorated the GOP and has many Dems flustered. In less than a week, she's definitely changed the game, however so did Geraldine Ferraro immediately after she was nominated in 1984 and whatever ended up happening to her?

Democrat Peter Hart nails it:
“Clearly, Sarah Palin has hit a gusher,” said Hart. “All of these things say that her initial introduction to American has been a very solid and positive introduction.”

But Hart cautioned that her boost could be fleeting.

He recalled a similar bounce after Walter Mondale unveiled Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate in 1984. “The faster they rise, the steeper they descend.”
So, what ended up happening to Geraldine Ferraro?

Towards the end of the race, questions were simmering about Ferraro's finances, those of her husband, and their separately-filed tax returns. Turns out that Mondale's vice-presidential selection process had not fully vetted her on this aspect. Sound familiar? Troopergate, Bookgate, and Bridgegate will eventually make more headway into MSM and erase the bounce Palin has given to McCain. Hopefully the Obama campgaign will make sure that happens before its too late.

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