Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sound Familiar? Bush's Bailout Speech = Iraq Speech

John Stuart points out the eerie similarities between Bush's Iraq war speech and his speech on the bailout. Again, his speech writers are using shock and awe psychology to brainwash America into believing Wall St. needs an immediate $700 bailout with no oversight.

This bailout = hyperinflation. The word on Wall St. is that "the US government intends to fire up the printing press is a desperate attempt to inflate our way out of this deflationary spiral that we have been in over the last several months." (Jerry Slusiewicz, Bailout = Inflation) US purchasing power will decline steeply over the next few years, and many top investors and economists like Jim Rogers are predicting up to 20% inflation compounded annually. America shouldn't have to pay for the trillions of dollars of debt of the few incompetent crooks of failed investment banks and Fannie and Freddie.

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